Strawberry Shortcake for One

Craving a sweet treat, but don’t want to make a whole cake?  Go with this gluten-free Strawberry Shortcake for One!

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Craving a sweet treat, but don't want to make a whole cake? Go with this gluten-free Strawberry Shortcake for One!Can we talk cookbooks for a hot minute?  As in, how many do you own?  Since you’re reading this food blog, I’m guessing you probably have an interest in food.  And since you have an interest in food, I’m guessing you probably own several cookbooks.  Maybe even more than several.

I know I have a bunch of cookbooks and cooking magazines.  (Yes, I keep all of my old issues of cooking magazines on a shelf in my basement.  I keep thinking one day I’ll go back through and read them again.  Maybe once Robbie goes off to college…)

Craving a sweet treat, but don't want to make a whole cake? Go with this gluten-free Strawberry Shortcake for One!We have a small shelf in the kitchen where I keep a couple of my go-to cookbooks.  One of them is Bread by Jeffrey Hamelman.  That book is amazing if you love to bake bread!  My sister has also written a couple cookbooks, and of course those stay in a prominent location, too.  (I mean, it’s my sister!  But to be fair, her books are great resources…especially her book on Frostings.)  But now I have a new cookbook for my collection!  Clean Sweets by Arman Liew.

Craving a sweet treat, but don't want to make a whole cake? Go with this gluten-free Strawberry Shortcake for One!If you guys haven’t met Arman yet, then you need to!  Well, to be fair, I haven’t officially “met” Arman yet, but we’ve been internet friends for several years now. I stumbled across his blog, The Big Man’s World, a while back, and I became an instant fan.  First of all, he’s another guy food blogger…and us guys have to stick together!

But more importantly, his voice really comes through in his posts.  He shares all sorts of healthy substitutions for the classic foods that we all love and crave.  What’s not to love about a Nutella Breakfast Pizza (especially when it’s low-carb and sugar-free)?  He even shares his homemade version of Nutella made from toasted hazelnuts and cocoa powder!

Craving a sweet treat, but don't want to make a whole cake? Go with this gluten-free Strawberry Shortcake for One!Over the past year or so, Arman has been working away like crazy on his new book.  I got a chance to check out Clean Sweets, and it’s pretty darned awesome!  His book is packed with simple, high-protein desserts…for one!  I love eating something sweet after dinner at night, but sometimes it’s hard to satisfy my sweet tooth teeth without going over the top and eating a whole cake.  So I was excited to try some of Arman’s recipes for one-person desserts.

I chose his Strawberry Shortcake for One, and get this…the cake is made in the microwave!  So in a total of about 7 minutes, I went from an empty bowl to this Strawberry Shortcake for One.  Win!  (Plus, this one is gluten-free!)

Craving a sweet treat, but don't want to make a whole cake? Go with this gluten-free Strawberry Shortcake for One!Giving up dessert is no fun.  I get it.  And healthier desserts often require hard-to-find ingredients.  Arman set out to create sweeter, cleaner desserts using more accessible ingredients.  (And many of his recipes are no-bake, too…added bonus!)  So if you’re looking to expand your kitchen skills into the world of easy, healthier desserts, then check out Clean Sweets and click around The Big Man’s World, too.  Have a great weekend, my friends!

Oh, and if you pick up a copy of Arman’s book, then save your receipt/proof of purchase.  He’s got a fun giveaway coming up on The Big Man’s World in April for everyone who purchased his book.  Cheers!

Craving a sweet treat, but don't want to make a whole cake? Go with this gluten-free Strawberry Shortcake for One!

Strawberry Shortcake for One

Craving a sweet treat, but don’t want to make a whole cake?  Go with this gluten-free Strawberry Shortcake for One!
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Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 2 minutes
Total Time: 7 minutes
Servings: 1 servings
Calories: 297kcal


For the Cake

For the Layers

  • ¼ cup strawberries
  • ¼ cup yogurt of choice I used Cabot’s Vanilla Bean Greek Yogurt


  • Grease a small microwave-safe bowl and set it aside.
  • In a small mixing bowl, ad the dry ingredients and mix well. Add the wet ingredients and, if the batter is too crumbly, increase the milk of your choice.
  • Microwave the batter for 1-2 minutes, or until it’s fully cooked.
  • Remove the cake from the microwave and allow it to cool. Once it’s cool, cut the cake in half and layer it with strawberries and yogurt. Enjoy!


Recipe from Clean Sweets by Arman Liew. Reproduced with permission.

Craving a sweet treat, but don't want to make a whole cake? Go with this gluten-free Strawberry Shortcake for One!

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    1. Yes! I don’t have a lot of experience making single-serve desserts…but this recipe from Arman was super fun! Plus, it involved fresh berries…and I’m always a sucker for fresh berries. Thanks, Sharmila!

  1. When I saw the heading of your post this morning, I thought “hey, I wonder if that’s from Arman’s book?!” Am a gynormous fan of healthier desserts (actually justifies eating a whole cake when it’s good for ya- eh?!) and this one is just perfect to snack on! Arman and his journey from blog to cookbook to all sorts of wonderful things has been pretty fantastic to follow – even tho sometimes I do it silently! This has been one hectic week for me and I’d love me a sweet albeit healthy treat like this tonight after Pizza! And, your sis has a book on frostings??? Oh wow – I need to stay away from that book! Dude – now – when are you gonna come up with your book? 🙂
    Happy FriYay David!!! I hope you and the Spiced clan have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Hahaha…you know me (and Arman) too well, Shashi! This recipe is indeed straight from the mastermind brain of Arman. 🙂 I don’t have much experience in making single-serve desserts, so I had fun making this one. As far as me and a book, no thank you very much! I plan to stay far away from that idea! We had a good weekend here in the Spiced house, but I can’t believe it’s Monday already. Hope you girls didn’t get into too much trouble down south this weekend! Thanks, Shashi!

  2. I love single servings! They are so fun to make and so cute. Healthier sweets, count me in!! I am always trying to find healthier sweets dor my husband who’s diabetic and loves dessert. Thank you for sharing David!

    1. This was a fun adventure in the kitchen for me as I don’t have a lot of experience making single-serve desserts. But Arman makes single-serve a lot, so I just needed to borrow one of his recipes! 🙂 Thanks so much, Gaila…hope you had a great weekend!

  3. Looks delicious! Arman is the king of single-serving and short ingredient list desserts!

    Speaking of bread baking, you just reminded me that I really want to make bread while I’m staying at my parents’ this/next week. I’m en route to the east coast as I type! My mom used to make homemade bread a lot growing up and I can’t get enough of it.

    1. Arman really is the king of single-serving! Yay! You’re coming back East…that means you’re here by now. And I hope some homemade bread and Mom’s comfort food is on the menu this week. Safe travels, Nicole! 🙂

  4. Cheers so much for this awesome recipe sharing mate! I love that you have a bread cookbook on hand- I would have one to look at the pictures, then scurry off to Laurent (our faux French bakery which has amazing baguettes). Actually, I’d go to the Vietnamese bakery..SO GOOD!

    1. My pleasure, Arman! Thanks for creating such a fun book! 🙂 And, yes, I do love me some bread…and I do love eating said bread. Haha! But I don’t think I’ve ever had bread from a Vietnamese bakery. I wonder where I can find that around my area? (Answer: probably have to wait until I go down to the City…)

  5. Hi David. What a great snack for when you get that craving, but don’t want to wait the time it takes to make a cake, cobbler… I have been collecting cookbooks my entire life at my best guesstimate is I have around 700 and I also have all my cooking magazines dating back to the l980’s. I have two eight foot high bookshelf cabinets in the kitchen and when we redid the front bedroom I put in industrial restaurant shelving to hold a good deal of what would not fit in the kitchen. I still have more in boxes so I think I need to add a shelving unit to the dining room. Hoarder I am.

    1. Woah…700 cookbooks! Dorothy! I can’t imagine those racks of cookbooks and magazines. I bet there are so many good recipes hiding in those pages! (And knowing you, I bet those pages are dog-eared, folded in and generally well-loved from years of cooking. Haha!) Thanks so much, my friend. I hope you have an amazing Monday!

  6. I do have a ton of cookbooks and stacks and stacks of food magazines. I may have to add this one to my collection because I love the idea of single serving dessert recipes so there isn’t a whole cake sitting around tempting me! That strawberry shortcake looks like a great place to start!

    1. I must admit that I don’t have much experience in the way of making single-serve desserts, but that’s where Arman stepped in. I do have experience eating desserts though! Haha! 🙂 Hope you had an awesome weekend, Rachelle!

  7. I left the majority of my cookbook collection behind when we moved to Florida. I only kept about 30 or so of the real classics. I love small desserts like this…eliminates the temptation of a second helping. 🙂

    1. You know, I get that, Karen! I have so many books, but more often then not I turn to the same well-loved few. I keep thinking that one day I’ll get into the other ones…but then a month goes by, then a year, then several years. I’m gonna do it one day, though! Haha! 🙂

  8. I have about 40 cookbooks, and I keep every cooking magazine I ever purchased. Why would I throw such great recipes away, now that just silly? I’ve heard of Bread, I don’t make bread often, but I have a fantasy of making my kids bread for their sandwiches for lunch. I know it sounds a little far-fetched, but a girl can always dream lol. I love to discover new blogs; The Big Mans World looks like something I would love. This Strawberry Shortcake for two is a little too good to be true. It’s diet-friendly and microwave desserts are perfect for me since I live alone.

    1. See, I totally agree with you, Mary! I have stacks upon stacks of magazines. And I keep saying I’m going to go back and get the recipes out of them. (I flagged my favorites when I read the magazine the first time.) But then I never seem to make my way back to that stack of magazines. Instead, the stack just keeps growing…haha.

      So your fantasy is not far-fetched at all! I’ve actually got a couple of easy (and very tasty) sandwich recipes here on the blog. Totally perfect for kids’ sammiches! 🙂 I’ll teach you everything I know about baking bread!

  9. I may just have a small obsession with recipe books. I love collecting them and, like you, I have a small shelf where I keep a few and the others are on another bookshelf. And I do keep my food magazines too….hey, there’s lots of good reads in there, right?? I’ll have to check out ‘Clean Sweets’. Sounds like an amazing book! Twist my arm to check out another book, lol 😀 This strawberry shortcake looks fabulous. Not too often do you come across smaller portioned desserts, or even desserts for one and this looks like something that I would love to have in front of me right about now! Very spring-like too! Happy Monday, my friend 🙂 !

    1. See! I suspected that a lot of people who read this post also collect cookbooks…I know, I know…wild guess, right? 🙂 I have stacks and stacks of foodie magazines but I can’t bring myself to get rid of them. (In reality, all of those recipes are probably online somewhere…but I don’t want to have to search to find them!) I don’t have a lot of experience with single-serving desserts, so that’s why Arman’s book is so unique! Happy Spring, my friend! (I hear tomorrow is the first day of Spring…)

  10. Just what I needed this morning, a good easy gluten free, healthy dessert! I’ve been eyeing the strawberries lately, now I know what to do. A bread cookbook sounds great also, now to learn how to make “good” and healthy gluten free breads!

    1. Thanks so much, Cathy! I didn’t have a lot of experience with single-serve desserts, so that’s where Arman stepped in with that new cookbook! And, yes to the bread! I love, love, love making bread…so I’m pulling for ya with the good, gluten-free bread goal! 🙂 (If you guys can get Bob’s Red Mill products in your area, they make an amazing 1-for-1 flour mix that you use in place of all-purpose flour. It’s gluten-free, and I’ve had nothing but amazing success with it!)

  11. How many cookbooks do I own? Errr…. next question. Let’s just say, an intervention is needed. 😬 If exclamation marks had a taste, this Strawberry shortcake would it. Pinned!

    1. Hahaha…too funny, Tonya! I know the feeling…but then again, I can always justify getting another one! 🙂 And I love the way you describe this one–“if exclamation marks had a taste”–hilarious. Thank you so much, my friend!

  12. Yup, I have quite a collection of books and magazines. I cannot say I’ve tried many recipes from it (there are plenty ideas in my head, plus the Internet is more convenient way). But I like to grab a book, lie down on a sofa, and dream of some things I might make one day. I think most of ideas I’ve found in the books, were related to Christmas. I certainly love the idea of individual cakes (I’ve never used a microwave though). But please make 5 or 9 individual cakes next time, and send everything you couldn’t eat to me:) Happy Monday, David!

    1. Yeah, I totally get it, Ben. I have stacks and stacks of magazines, and I’m not sure how many of the recipes I’ve actually made. I guess they do “inspire” me though! Individual cakes are pretty fun…I didn’t have a lot of experience with the single-serve idea, but Arman’s new book is full of desserts-for-one. 🙂

    1. You don’t need to be an expert for this one, Funmi! It seriously is a super easy recipe…Arman’s new book is full of easy desserts like this, too! 🙂

  13. No No No this is a bad idea… shortcake for one..! This is too dangerous for me! I absolutely love strawberry shortcake, reminds me of scones and high tea 🙂
    I´ll check out the cookbooks you spoke of, I actually don´t have any of them (How cool is it that your sister has her own cookbook!!). Can I recommend one of my favourites: Paul Hollywood´s BREADS. That man makes me want to bake! Check him out when you can 🙂

    1. Haha…tell me about it! Plus, then you throw in the idea that this dessert for one can be made in less than 10 minutes? Trouble! 🙂 Paul Hollywood’s Bread? I’m not familiar with that one…but I LOVE bread. So I clearly need to become familiar with that one. Adding it to my list on Amazon right now. (I’ve always got a running list on Amazon…haha) Thanks, Johlene!

  14. Cookbooks are my favorite! I have a whole bookshelf filled with cookbooks! I also love to check out cookbooks from the public library. I love searching for recipes on line, but there’s just something about flipping pages of a book. Clean Sweets looks like a great book and this strawberry shortcake looks delicious!

    1. You know, I’ve never thought about looking at the library for cookbooks…excellent idea, Kathy! My Mom used to do that when we were younger, but I’d totally forgotten about that. Thank you so much for the kind words, my friend. Arman really worked hard on that book, and it’s a super unique theme!

    1. Yes…congratulation to Arman for sure! I’ve heard that writing a cookbook is a lot of work. But what a cool theme for his book! I don’t have a lot of single-serve desserts recipes, so his book is perfect for me. 🙂 Thanks, Manali!

  15. I love love love this! Especially as its a ‘for one’ dish (ahhhh, Im showing my selfish side here when it comes to sweet desserts, but truly – who wants to share desserts? hehe!)

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  17. Just made – forgot the egg white (d’oh) and somehow it still turned out okay. Definitely crumbly, but I’d do it again! Also used honey instead of maple syrup.

    1. Thanks so much for coming back and leaving a comment! And interesting to know that it will still turn out ok even without the egg white. (I’ve totally done stuff like that in the past!) 🙂

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