Pumpkin Spice Tiramisu

This Pumpkin Spice Tiramisu is a delicious combination of a classic Italian dessert with the warming Autumn spices of cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg!

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This Pumpkin Spice Tiramisu is a delicious combination of a classic Italian dessert with the warming Autumn spices of cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg!I’ve never been to the Pacific Northwest, but it’s been on my list of places to visit for quite a while now.  Some of my favorite bloggers live in that area, and the scenery and settings sound like somewhere I need to visit.  ASAP.  The only problem for us East Coasters is that we can pretty much get to Europe for about the same effort as getting out to the West Coast.  And, well, Europe!

This Pumpkin Spice Tiramisu is a delicious combination of a classic Italian dessert with the warming Autumn spices of cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg!But after hearing about the West Coast Pumpkin Regatta, I might just need to head out and see this one for myself.  Heck, I might even have to try this one out for myself!  Bucket list item: paddling a giant pumpkin across a lake in Oregon.  So what is the West Coast Pumpkin Regatta?  I saw a clip on our morning news about this last year, and I had to go investigate a bit more.  Apparently folks climb inside giant, hollowed out pumpkins.  The objective is to row the pumpkin across the lake faster than the other crazy folks next to you.  Oh, and everyone wears costumes.  Someone dressed as the tooth fairy rowing a giant pumpkin across a lake?  It happens.

As I’ve noted before, growing a gigantic pumpkin has been on my bucket list for a while.  And now I’m adding the pumpkin regatta to the list as well!  But seeing as how Tualatin, Oregon is about 3,000 miles away, I suspect this might be sitting on the bucket list for a while.  I’ll just have to entertain myself by baking with pumpkin instead of rowing one.

Pumpkin Spice Tiramisu

This Pumpkin Spice Tiramisu is a delicious combination of a classic Italian dessert with the warming Autumn spices of cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg!Speaking of baking with pumpkin, I recently whipped up this fun Pumpkin Spice Tiramisu.  Now I know my Italian readers might cringe at the thought of contaminating tiramisu with the flavors of pumpkin spice…but just hear me out!  The warming spices of cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg go so well in so many different recipes, so why not try it in tiramisu, too?  The result was a creamy, delicious intersection between one of my favorite Italian desserts and some of my favorite baking spices.  Yum!

For this Pumpkin Spice Tiramisu, I started with my go-to tiramisu recipe and added in some canned pumpkin along with pumpkin pie spice.  I was a little skeptical about how the coffee flavor would go with the pumpkin spice filling, but it worked!  After all, I do enjoy a good mug of pumpkin spice coffee on a crisp Autumn morning.

This Pumpkin Spice Tiramisu is a delicious combination of a classic Italian dessert with the warming Autumn spices of cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg!Tiramisu was one of the first ‘fancy’ desserts that I ever learned how to make.  After studying in Italy during college, I came back and recreated several recipes at home for my family.  There was a really dense gnocchi.  (I’ve since learned the trick to making better gnocchi.)  There was cappuccino. (To this day, my Mom still requests a cappuccino whenever she visits).  And there was tiramisu.  (I remember my Mom teaching me how to whip egg whites…by hand.  My arm still hurts, and that was about 20 years ago.)

If you’re looking for a fun way to embrace the flavors of Fall, then I highly recommend a batch of this Pumpkin Spice Tiramisu!  Oh, and if you try this recipe out, take a photo and tag me on Instagram (@Spicedblog) or come back and leave a comment.  Cheers, friends!

This Pumpkin Spice Tiramisu is a delicious combination of a classic Italian dessert with the warming Autumn spices of cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg!Looking for more tiramisu desserts?  Check out these recipes:

Classic Italian Tiramisu

Caramel Chai Tiramisu

Tiramisu Cake

Coffee Ice Cream (ok, so that’s not tiramisu…but I love coffee-flavored desserts!)

This Pumpkin Spice Tiramisu is a delicious combination of a classic Italian dessert with the warming Autumn spices of cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg!

Pumpkin Spice Tiramisu

This Pumpkin Spice Tiramisu is a delicious combination of a classic Italian dessert with the warming Autumn spices of cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg!
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Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Refrigeration Time: 4 hours
Total Time: 4 hours 25 minutes
Servings: 9 servings
Calories: 402kcal


For Pumpkin Spice Tiramisu

  • 5 egg yolks
  • 5 Tbsp sugar divided
  • {optional} 1½ Tbsp dark rum
  • 8 oz mascarpone cheese room temperature
  • 1 cup pumpkin puree
  • tsp pumpkin pie spice see note
  • 3 egg whites
  • cup heavy cream whipped until stiff peaks form
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 35-40 ladyfingers depending on size
  • cups strongly brewed coffee cooled

For Garnish


  • Line an 8” square baking dish with plastic wrap, leaving a 3” overhang on all sides. Set pan aside.
  • Using a medium bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and 3 Tbsp of sugar until light yellow in color (~2-3 minutes).
  • {Optional} Add rum and mix until fully combined.
  • Add the marcarpone, pumpkin puree and pumpkin pie spice; mix until smooth. Set mixture aside.
  • Using an electric mixer, beat the egg whites with remaining 2 Tbsp of sugar until stiff peaks form. (~5 minutes)
  • Fold the whipped cream, lemon juice, and vanilla into the beaten egg whites. Then fold the egg white mixture into the mascarpone mixture. Set aside.
  • Pour the coffee into a shallow bowl. One at a time, dip the ladyfingers in the coffee until soaked but not soggy. Create the base layer by laying half of the ladyfingers in the prepared pan.
  • Spread ½ of the custard mixture over the ladyfingers.
  • Repeat process with remaining ladyfingers (arranged in the opposite direction) and remaining custard. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 4 hours, or overnight.
  • Before serving, sprinkle crumbled gingersnap cookies on top and then dust lightly with powdered sugar.


This traditional way of making tiramisu uses raw eggs. Always use fresh eggs when making this recipe.
If you don’t have any pumpkin pie spice in the pantry, you can use ¾ tsp cinnamon, ½ tsp ground ginger, ¼ tsp ground nutmeg and a generous pinch of ground allspice.

This Pumpkin Spice Tiramisu is a delicious combination of a classic Italian dessert with the warming Autumn spices of cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg!

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  1. I was born and raised in Oregon and have never heard of the Pumpkin Regatta. What have I been doing with my life??? I’m adding that to my bucket list too :). And I’m totally making this–I think adding pumpkin is the only way to improve tiramisu! PS, let me know when you make it to the Northwest. I’ll meet you in Portland and take you guys to Powell’s Books, AKA the happiest place on earth. It’s the BEST! The children’s section alone requires at least a day to browse.

    1. Wait, what!? You’ve never heard of the Pumpkin Regatta? As I was writing this post, I was kinda imagining you riding along in one of those pumpkins. It sounds fun, doesn’t it?? Maybe we could team up one of these years!

      And a bookstore with a day-long visit to the children’s section? Count me in! I love getting lost in bookstores! Now finding the time to read those books (although than the children’s books I mean) is another story…

  2. I just watched that clip you put of folks rowing their giant pumkins across that lake in Oregon. I’m not sure whether to exclaim that’s sheer genius or just mad!! Still, I guess people would probably think that our Highland Games “tossing the caber” is equally bizarre and strange. However what is not strange is this pumpkin spice tiramisu. As a huge fan of tiramisu this is definatiely something I would be right into and would come back for another plate of. Yum!

    1. Haha! I’m with ya, Neil. Rowing a giant pumpkin across a lake is either awesome or ridiculous. Or maybe it’s just both! I think you and Lynne should do that for one of your adventures! I’m a big fan of tiramisu as well, and it’s always one of my go-to desserts when Italian is on the menu. But adding in a pumpkin twist? So fun and perfect for the season, too! Thanks so much, my friend!

  3. Sounds like a great way to welcome fall to the table. Not a combo I’d thought of before, but that’s often the finest kind. I don’t usually use my food as transportation, however, but I would do this given the opportunity :). In costume even.

    1. I shared the same thought train as you there, Bill. I love tiramisu and coffee desserts, and I was a little worried that the pumpkin wouldn’t mesh…but it does! So if you’re down to use your food as a vehicle, my next question is: what would you dress up as? Maybe a banana? Or spaghetti? Get it? Dressed as spaghetti in a giant squash? Haha! 🙂

  4. Holy Tiramisu! Those gigantic pumpkins sound like a lot of fun, but honestly I cannot help myself but stare at this luscious dessert. Using spices is a nice touch itself, but I love that you used real pumpkin as well. I made a pumpkin tiramisu-trifle last year, so I’m approving this creation 100% as I know now pumpkin and coffee work really well together. Would it be very rude if I requested a large spoon (or better ladle) immediately? Pleeeeeaaase. And thank you!

    1. I hear ya, Ben. Whenever I hear pumpkin spice, I always like to see actual pumpkin in the recipe, too. Sure, there are times (like with drinks) that pumpkin might not work, but in general I like to use pumpkin when I can. Wait. I forgot about that pumpkin tiramisu trifle you made! I need to go back and look at that again. And, yes, you may absolutely request a ladle full of this tiramisu. Just don’t be disappointed when I tell you it’s all gone! Thanks so much, my friend!

  5. I can eat Tiramisu every day and act as if I didn’t have it for a long time. This dessert is love! Making Tiramisu with pumpkin and pumpkin spice makes me want to raise the hat for you (although I don’t own one!).

    1. Yes! I am the exact same way with tiramisu, Muna. I love it! After I discovered how to make it, I’m pretty sure I talked about tiramisu for like 6 months straight. Haha! I admit that I was a little unsure if the pumpkin flavors would work with coffee…but they do! This dessert is perfect for these chilly nights that have started to roll into our area. Thanks so much, my friend!

  6. The regatta is HUGE around here and I’m pretty sure it gets bigger every year! There’s a whole food scene for a couple days with vendors setting up shot with all sorts of cuisines, so I’m sure that’s why a lot of people go too. I had a tiramisu from a local bakery a little while ago and it reminded me how much I love it! What a fun twist with pumpkin….me thinks I’ll have to give this one a try. Hubby would love it too! Have a great weekend, my friend 🙂

    1. Wait! Do they have a pumpkin regatta in your area, too, Dawn? I thought this was only in Oregon. Hmmm…you might be a little closer to me than Oregon, so maybe I need to head your way next fall! 🙂 I mean the opportunity to row a giant pumpkin across a lake doesn’t happen often!

      Also, tiramisu. Yum! Thanks so much, my friend. I hope you and the hubby (and the pup) have a great weekend as well!

  7. Pumpkin regatta or not, David, you’ve gotta visit the PNW at least once! It’s one of those places I like to revisit – especially the Oregon/Washington coast- so hauntingly beautiful!
    And speaking of beautiful – gosh, I could stare and sniff and stare and DEVOUR this beauty in 0 to 5 minutes – and I mean the whole entire dish of Pumpkin spice tiramisu and NOT just a slice!

    1. I know you and lil S have taken some awesome trips out to the PNW, and it’s definitely on my radar! The photos you’ve posted are just stunning. Plus, there’s the opportunity to row a giant pumpkin across a lake…and that shouldn’t be discounted! 🙂 Thanks so much, my friend. I think I’m ready for that vacation right about now!

    1. Hah! You’ve got that one right, Kathy. I had no idea how much I wanted to row a pumpkin across a lake until I saw that story. But now it’s on the bucket list for sure! And, yes, this tiramisu is a fun one for fall. I hope you and the family had a great weekend, my friend. Happy October!

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