Maple Pecan Coconut Granola Bars

These Maple Pecan Coconut Granola Bars make an easy and delicious breakfast or snack on the go.  Make a batch this weekend!

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Maple Pecan Coconut Granola BarsFor years, I ate granola bars like they were going out of style.  My morning routine in grad school was to wake up early and hit the gym.  Since it was early (like really early), I never wanted breakfast before heading out of the house.  But by the time I had either gotten to school or work, I was always starving.  So I started keeping a box of granola bars in my desk.  They were a quick, easy and mostly healthy breakfast.

Maple Pecan Coconut Granola BarsFast forward a couple of years.  I had discovered a love for Greek yogurt and this had become my breakfast of choice when I was on the go.  Soon enough, I had a stash of Greek yogurt hidden in the back of the work fridge next to somebody’s bagged lunch that had been there for at least 2.5 months.  Well it didn’t take long before I started adding a couple of spoonfuls of granola on top of aforementioned yogurt.  My favorite granola recipe comes from one of my closest friends, and we almost always have a container of it in the pantry now.  Then I had an amazing idea.  Why not take that granola recipe and turn it into bar-form.  I had to try this…quickly!  A couple of hours later, these amazing Maple Pecan Coconut Granola Bars were sitting on my kitchen counter daring me to eat them.  Well, I took that dare.  And it was delicious.

Maple Pecan Coconut Granola BarsAs I’ve mentioned before, my wife and I met in Atlanta, but we moved to upstate New York a couple of years ago.  I had no idea what to expect about this area of the country.  I grew up in the South, so the thought of moving way up North was a bit of a change for me.  Now I see snow.  A lot of snow.  Way more snow than I ever wanted to see.  But on a positive note, I discovered that this area is home to some of the best maple syrup in the country!

Maple Pecan Coconut Granola BarsBefore moving here, I had no idea how maple syrup was made.  But that all changed quickly.  In late February, taps are inserted into the trunks of maple trees, and buckets are hung below the taps (or tubes are attached to the taps).  Once the temperatures start to climb above freezing during the day, the sap starts to flow.  The buckets slowly fill and then that sap gets boiled down into syrup.  Pretty cool process.  If you ever visit this part of the country, then you’ll know how important maple syrup is to the area!

My wife and I visited a maple farm just last weekend, and it was an awesome experience!  Aside from the huge stack of buttermilk pancakes (of which I ate every single bite), we also got to taste the different grades of maple syrup.  I never realized how the different grades can vary…and the variation in taste is all thanks to mother nature.  (The taste of the syrup changes over the several-week-long sugaring period.)  It’s pretty darn cool to look at the ingredient list for maple syrup and just see one thing: 100% maple sap.  The sap is boiled down to syrup…and it takes over 40 gallons of sap to produce 1 gallon of syrup.  (I mean real maple syrup, not the corn syrup stuff with maple flavoring.)  Speaking of boiling the sap, I snapped this pic with my phone…it’s basically a huge wood-fired boiler.  How cool is that!?

Wood fired evaporator for making maple syrup

Maple Pecan Coconut Granola Bars

Maple Pecan Coconut Granola Bars

These Maple Pecan Coconut Granola Bars make an easy and delicious breakfast or snack on the go.  Make a batch this weekend!
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Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes
Total Time: 55 minutes
Servings: 8 bars
Calories: 358kcal



  • Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line bottom and sides of an 8” by 8” baking dish with aluminum foil. Lightly spray foil with olive oil or baking spray; set aside.
  • In a medium bowl, combine the oats, pecans and coconut; stir well. Place mixture on a baking sheet and bake at 350°F for 10 minutes, stirring once after 5 minutes. Once baked, transfer the toasted oats, pecans and coconut to a large bowl.
  • Reduce oven temperature to 300°F.
  • In a small saucepan, add the maple syrup, butter, brown sugar, and vanilla. Cook over medium heat until mixture begins to boil. Continue cooking for 1 more minute, stirring constantly. Pour the hot maple syrup mixture into the bowl with the toasted oats, pecans and coconut.
  • Add the flax seeds (optional), nutmeg and dried cranberries to the bowl; stir until well mixed.
  • Transfer the mixture to the greased baking dish; and use a spatula to firmly press mixture into the pan. (Note: The mixture is very sticky, so pressing it into the pan can be difficult. Just do the best you can at this stage!)
  • Bake at 300°F for 30 minutes, or until granola is light golden brown in color.
  • Refrigerate granola for 2.5-3 hours before slicing into bars.
  • Store bars in an airtight container at room temperature for up to one week.

Looking for more homemade granola recipes?  Check out these other favorites, too:

This Tropical Granola is packed with dried fruit, oats and nuts.  Add a spoonful to a bowl of yogurt for breakfast or just it plain as a mid-afternoon snack!

Tropical Granola

This Blueberry Cashew Granola makes one heck of a tasty (and easy) breakfast for busy, weekday mornings!Blueberry Cashew Granola

Weekdays always begin with a bowl of Greek yogurt topped with homemade granola. This Cherry Walnut Granola is a tasty way to get your day started!Cherry Walnut Granola

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    1. Haha…good timing, Ninj!! And you might not find any maple trees down South, but you also won’t find a whole lot of snow. We actually started planting our tomato plants in Atlanta in early March. And they produced tomatoes until early November. What I wouldn’t give to have that back again!!

    1. Thank you so much, Dara!! The maple farm visit was a kinda spur of the moment thing…and it was the best morning ever! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  1. With only 3 tbps of butter, these maple granola bars sound and look pretty amazing!
    I did not not NY was “home to some of the best maple syrup in the country”!!! That maple tour yall went on sounds like so much fun – specially tasting all the different grades! My sister used to live in Atlanta with me, before she moved to NYC too – she loved NY so much!

    1. They were so delicious, Shashi! That is my go-to granola recipe, and when I make regular granola (non-bars) I usually add olive oil to the mix before toasting it in the oven. Next time I make these, I’m gonna have to try the olive oil…it gives the oats such a nice, golden texture! And yes, maple syrup is king around here…especially during this time of the year. I think I read somewhere that Vermont is the #1 maple syrup producer and New York is #2…either way, I’m lucky to be near all of this deliciousness! I didn’t realize you used to live in Atlanta, too…I miss it down there. (We lived near Smyrna before moving up here a couple years ago.)

  2. What the heck, where was my invite to the maple farm?! I thought we were a wolfpack, David… I mean Alan. I mean David. Haha, looks like a really cool experience! And love how you just DIY’d these granola bars!

    1. Haha. I mean, ahem. You can call me Alan or David…I’ll respond to both. I was going to invite you to the maple farm, but the one closer to you was within 200 yards of a Chucky Cheese. So we opted for the one over in western Mass. instead. Maybe next time! (Man, I really need to go re-watch the Hangover now…I’ve been cracking up at the thought of a dude blogger wolfpack all morning!)

  3. I love making homemade granola bars because it’s so easy and you can control the ingredients that you want in it (ie. no ingredients that I can’t pronounce or aren’t in my cabinets). These look delicious and I love the combo of flavors that you used! They are definitely an ideal snack or breakfast on the go. 🙂

    1. I totally agree, Tina! I basically used my favorite ingredients…and wham, these granola bars were born. Such a fun snack! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

    1. You got that right, SueAnn! Real maple syrup is crazy good. And it’s even more fun when you visit the farms and see how it’s made. Pretty simple process really…which means it’s not full of all sorts of ingredients you can’t pronounce!

  4. Maple syrup is the best! I am so jealous of your maple excursion! I eat granola bars all the time in college, might have to start making my own starting with this recipe! Maple syrup and coconut are two of my favorite ingredients!

    1. You totally should go visit a maple farm, Molly! The one we went to was actually in western Mass. Making your own granola bars is totally fun…it takes a bit of tinkering to get the recipe down like you like it, but so worth it when you can make whatever flavor you want!

    1. I know! Maple syrup is so incredible…and simple. It’s maple sap with most of the water evaporated out. Thanks, Mother Nature!!

    1. Thank you so much, Pamela! They were tasty…too bad they’re all gone now. Time to make another batch apparently! Thanks for commenting!

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