Oreo Cake

Turn your favorite cookie into a cake with this tasty Oreo Cake recipe!

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Turn your favorite cookie into a cake with this tasty Oreo Cake recipe!There are some really strange world records out there.  As a kid, I was always fascinated by the Guinness Book of World Records.  Now I’m just fascinated by Guinness.  (Hah…I kid!  That one was just too easy.)  Seriously, though, there are some things that just shouldn’t be records.  Like the guy who owns the record for the most stuffed alligators (6,739).  Robbie has one stuffed gator named Alli.  He’s only 6,738 gators away from greatness!

Turn your favorite cookie into a cake with this tasty Oreo Cake recipe!Or take the guy with the 61′ long, 8′ wide pitchfork.  What exactly does one do with a pitchfork that’s nearly as long as a bowling alley?  Apparently take it to win a Guinness World Record.  Or what about the parrot who opened 35 cans of soda in a minute?  Yup, world record.  Or the guy who recorded the fastest mile on a pogo stick while juggling 3 tennis balls at the same time (23 minutes, 28 seconds).  Heck, I can’t even pogo or juggle.  And then there was the largest box of cookies (biscuits) set by Oreo in May 2016.  The box was almost 11′ long, 8′ wide and 3′ tall.  And it weighed nearly 2,000 pounds.  That’s 2,000 pounds of Oreo cookies!

Turn your favorite cookie into a cake with this tasty Oreo Cake recipe!I have no idea what I would do with a 2,000 pound box of Oreo cookies.  Seriously.  But I do know what I’d do with a regular 14.3 oz. box of Oreo cookies.  I’d make an Oreo Cake.  I’ve loved Oreo cookies ever since I was a little kid when my Dad would get out the gold tin of Oreos after lunch.  But get this…I’ve never been an Oreo dunker.  I don’t dunk my Oreos in milk.  Laura thought I was crazy when she first saw this, and to this day she still gets out a tiny glass of milk whenever she eats an Oreo cookie.

Turn your favorite cookie into a cake with this tasty Oreo Cake recipe!Since I love to bake cakes, I decided to hit the kitchen and turn those Oreo cookies into an Oreo Cake.  I went with my go-to chocolate cake, and then I frosted that bad boy with a white chocolate frosting.  Oh, and some crumbled Oreos made their way in between the layers, too.  You know…just for fun!  Once the cake was all frosted and done, then I got to do the fun part.  I chopped up a bunch of Oreo cookies and pressed them into the sides of the cake.  Why is that fun?  Well some of the crumbled cookies inevitably ended up on the countertop.  And then they inevitably ended up in my mouth.  I mean I had to clean the counter when I was done, right?

Turn your favorite cookie into a cake with this tasty Oreo Cake recipe!So now the real question is what is the Guinness World Record for eating an entire Oreo Cake?  I wonder if it’s longer than 3 minutes, 28 seconds?  Just kidding.  We totally cut this cake up and froze pieces for weekend desserts…because weekends deserve epic desserts!

Turn your favorite cookie into a cake with this tasty Oreo Cake recipe!

Oreo Cake

Turn your favorite cookie into a cake with this tasty Oreo Cake recipe!
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Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 55 minutes
Servings: 16 servings
Calories: 618kcal


For the Cake

For the Frosting

  • 10 oz. 1¼ cups unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 4-4½ cups powdered sugar
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ½ Tbsp vanilla extract
  • Tbsp milk or heavy cream
  • 6 oz. white chocolate chopped
  • ~25 Oreo cookies chopped
  • {optional} mini-Oreo cookies for garnish


For the Cake

  • Preheat oven to 350°F.
  • Grease or spray (3) 9” round baking pans. Line the bottom of each pan with parchment paper.
  • Using a medium bowl, whisk together cocoa powder and boiling water until smooth; set aside.
  • Using a large bowl, add flour, sugar, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt; whisk until well combined.
  • Add eggs, egg yolks, vegetable oil, sour cream and vanilla; whisk until well combined.
  • Finally, add the cocoa powder and hot water mixture to the bowl in several additions, whisking well between each addition.
  • Divide batter evenly into baking pans; tap pans lightly on countertop to release any air bubbles.
  • Bake at 350°F for 25-27 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into center of cake comes out clean.
  • Let cakes cool in pan for 15 minutes and then transfer to a cooling rack until completely cool. (Note: Remove parchment paper from bottom of cakes when transferring them to the cooling rack.)

For the Frosting

  • Using a countertop mixer, beat butter on medium speed until light and fluffy (~3 minutes).
  • Add powdered sugar 1 cup at a time, mixing on low speed after each addition.
  • Add salt, vanilla extract and milk; mix on low speed until well combined.
  • Using a double boiler or microwave, melt white chocolate. Pour melted chocolate into frosting. Beat on medium speed for 3-4 minutes, or until well combined. (Note: If you desire a looser frosting, add an additional tablespoon of milk. For a thicker frosting, add an additional ¼ cup of powdered sugar.)

To Frost Cake

  • Place one layer of cake on large platter. Spread ~¾ cup of frosting on top. Sprinkle ~5 chopped Oreo cookies on top of the frosting. Repeat with 2nd and 3rd layers of cake. Use remaining frosting on top and sides of cake. Press remaining chopped Oreos into sides of the cake.
  • {Optional} Using a large star tip, pipe stars around top of the cake. Garnish each star with a mini-Oreo.

Turn your favorite cookie into a cake with this tasty Oreo Cake recipe!

Looking for more Oreo desserts?  Try one of these!

This Oreo Cheesecake features creamy cheesecake combined with crunchy Oreo cookies...and it's one of my all-time favorites!Oreo Cheesecake

This classic Oreo Milkshake is quite simply one of the best summer desserts ever!Oreo Milkshakes

These Peppermint Oreo Cookie Balls are a fun twist on a classic holiday treat!Peppermint Oreo Cookie Balls

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  1. We have a Guinness Book on our couch right now! One of the kids was reading it the other night! I don’t know if he was planning his way to fame or just reading the fun stuff! This Oreo cake looks so delicious! Perfect for a get-together or party!

    1. No way! I haven’t seen an actual Guinness Book in years. We used to check them out from the library when we were kids, but I didn’t realize they still published them! There is so much fun (and ridiculous) stuff in there! Thanks so much, Kathy. 🙂 And I think we’ll be seeing your son in that Guinness book one day!

  2. I couldn’t begin to guess at the record for eating an Oreo cake but I’m willing to try breaking it! This cake looks to DIE for, David. Now I’m curious about the guy with the pitchfork thoguh. Where does one buy a giant pitchfork? Did he make it himself? Does he also have the worlds largest collection of hay? Does he just really love farm equipment? I’m going to spend my day googling, that’s for sure! PS, I’m not a dunker either. Nor do I split them to eat the cream. I like my Oreos whole and crunchy.

    1. Willing to make a run at that Oreo cake record, Kelsie? Well that means it will be you vs. me. Mano y mano. (Well, womano y mano.) Let’s rumble! And as far as that guy with the pitchfork, I’m going to assume he made it? But what would inspire someone to make that? Maybe we can use it to take bites of Oreo cake? 🙂 P.S. We both eat Oreos the same way! Completely unadulterated Oreo goodness. That’s proof we were meant to be friends, right?

  3. Hi David. I’ve made Oreo cheesecake, but not Oreo cake…I think that needs to be rectified. I made chocolate cake with your pb frosting a couple of weeks ago so I’m thinking it’s time for another cake.

    1. Oreo cheesecake is another fun one, Dorothy! (Laura and I almost broke up when we were dating thanks to the Oreo cheesecake she made me…I think I posted about that one?) Anyways, this Oreo cake is divine. The frosting absolutely reminds me of an Oreo filling, too! Give this one a go if you’re craving a good cake!

  4. Oh there’s another awesome cake, David! I’m wondering…what do you do with all these cakes (There are at least few cakes you’ve shared lately). Of course, as you said, you can freeze the leftovers but how many cakes could fit in your freezer? Do you sell them? Take pictures and then discard the cakes? Give away to the neighbors/friends? Smuggle? Well, if the last idea is correct, you should definitely set the connections with Canada haha:) You see, so many questions, but there’s no any cake:)

    1. That’s a great question, Ben! During the curling season, I often take the cakes into the club where they get devoured after a game. But during the non-curling season, I typically just slice the cake and then freeze individual slices. That way, Laura and I can pull out just one slice on a weekend night. But I could be convinced to smuggle slices of cake up to Canada in exchange for something delicious. Any ideas? 🙂

    1. If only that was possible, right, Manali?? 🙂 I would gladly will a slice of this cake to magically appear before you if I could! Thanks so much, my friend!

  5. I’m a sucker for anything with Oreos and this Oreo cake looks dangerous. I used to be fascinated by the Guinness Book of World Records. they actually had a show in the 90s I watched regularly, do you remember that David? I remember that parrot!!! OMG 2000 pounds of Oreo cookies?? WoW. I love that this is a chocolate cake!!! I always imagine Oreo cakes being a white cake but chocolate is my favorite. Now I’m craving a nice big glass of milk 🙂

    1. Oh man. The Guinness World Record Show! I totally remember that one now. I had forgotten about that…but I remember watching it when I was a kid. Thanks for that one, Mary! So this cake is nothing short of amazing! Seriously! It tastes like an Oreo…in cake form. And a glass of milk is a requirement. (Just no dunking for me…haha!) Thanks so much, my friend!

  6. There really are some weird world records 🙂 Eating a whole Oreo Cake in one go should certainly be in there ha ha. I know one person in my household who would love to eat a whole Oreo Cake, maybe not in one go but definitely all by himself 🙂 We had some fun conversations here too on how to best eat Oreo cookies 🙂 Have a lovely weekend, David!

    1. There really are some strange records out there. But, hey, to each their own, right? 🙂 I’m not exactly sure how someone would feel after eating an entire Oreo cake in 3 minutes, though. I’m going to guess it wouldn’t be too good. Haha! But a slice of this Oreo cake? Now that’s definitely more appropriate! Thanks so much, Miriam. I hope you (and the family) have a wonderful weekend ahead, too!

  7. Yep, I can see Lynne and I tucking into this as a weekend dessert David.

    The weekends were made for desserts, and desserts were made for the weekend! Love how this is freezable too, that’s exactly what I do with all my desserts. Means the temptation to eat them all in one go is removed and you’ve got a stock in the freezer for future. Nice.

    i’m not to up on my Guinness World Records I’m afraid, but I’m certainly up for a Guinness any time you want to join me. Although we should meet in the Guinness Brewery in Dublin as that’s the best place I ever had Guinness!

    1. I totally, 100% agree with you, Neil! Laura and I don’t splurge during the week, but we totally let our guard down a bit on the weekends…and that means Oreo Cake! We freeze up slices of cake so that we can just pull one out on a weeknight night…that way, there’s no temptation to eat the entire cake.

      I’ve also heard that the Guinness Brewery in Dublin is the best place to grab a pint. Meet you there tonight? 🙂

  8. David, if Lil Shashi was with you when you made this cake, She WOULD HAVE eaten the whole thing in 3 minutes and 28 seconds…nope, make that 27 seconds! She LOVES Oreo’s – if a 2,000 pound box of Oreo cookies ended up on her doorstep -I know exactly what she’d do with ’em – EAT ’em – though she might first start looking for a storage place where she could HIDE them so I couldn’t get the cream out from between them!
    What a fantastic cake – I’m not as fanatical about Oreo’s as Lil Shashi but am drooling over here myself! GOSH! And those Oreos between the layers…SWOON!! P.S. I am so distracted as I write this – I keep scrolling up for one more look…gah…I gotta get the heck off your page .N.O.W.

    1. Wait. Are you saying lil Shashi would beat the world record in eating this cake? That sounds like a challenge to me! Send her up here and we’ll make it official! 🙂 And it sounds like you are a filling thief, Shashi! I don’t blame lil Shashi one bit for hiding her Oreo’s around you…haha! I hope you gals had a great weekend!

    1. I totally agree with you 100%, Dawn! Oreos make everything better…especially when cake is involved. 🙂 I hope you had a great weekend, my friend!

  9. David, those records are ridiculous! lol, but that Oreo cake is not! Looks so so good! I have seen so many Oreo recipes, but I never get tired of more. Great job!

    1. Haha! I totally agree about those records. I mean who comes up with these ideas!? Thanks so much for the kind words on this cake, my friend. This Oreo Cake is seriously amazing! It tastes just like an Oreo…just in cake form! 🙂

    1. Why thank you very much, Deepika! I totally agree with you about Oreos…they make everything better! In fact, we have to consciously not keep Oreos here in the house or else we’ll eat them all. Hah! But this cake? It tastes exactly like an Oreo…in cake form. 🙂 I hope you had a great weekend, my friend!

  10. This cake looks absolutely TO DIE FOR! I don’t know why I’ve not (until right now) considered making Oreo cake – prob because I wouldn’t know how to recreate the “middle” flavor. But it looks and sounds like a keeper for sure. I’m not sure in my house it would’ve even made it to the freezer. I haven’t thought about the Guinness Book in years – we used to read it at my Grandma’s house and thought it was simply fascinating. (We liked looking at the world’s longest fingernails – crazy!)

    1. So I totally agree with you about the “middle” flavor of Oreos. It’s a requirement for recreating Oreo desserts! But this frosting is pretty much spot-on if you ask me. 🙂 Oh gosh…I totally remember the world’s longest fingernails thing, too! It creeps me out just remembering that photo! Haha! Thanks so much, my friend!

  11. I’m dream of a future in which an Oreo cake can be shrunk down to the size of an Oreo, and used to make an Oreo Cake Cake. But don’t respond with, “What about an Oreo Cake Cake Cake,” because that’s just plain impossible.

    1. You know that nothing in this world is impossible, Jeff. I think an Oreo Cake Cake Cake could be a thing of the future. We’ll be riding around in our flying cars (aka George Jetson) eating Oreo Cake Cake Cakes. Wouldn’t that just be grand? 🙂

  12. at one point in 2014, i was part of the world’s largest pillow fight. it was hot and sticky and we waited for 4k+ people to get there so that we could pillow fight for 1-2 minutes. and then apparently it’s been broken multiple times since. oh well. consolation via oreo cake sounds good to me (:

    1. Wait, what? You helped set a world record? That’s amazing, Heather! Who cares if it’s been broken since? You did it, and no-one can take that away from your 2014 self! I think your 2017 self should celebrate with a slice of Oreo Cake. Sounds logical, right? 🙂

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