Classic Chicken Pot Pie

This Classic Chicken Pot Pie is best served by a roaring fire on a cold winter day!

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This Classic Chicken Pot Pie is best served by a roaring fire on a cold winter day!Sometimes you just need a hug in a bowl.  On these cold winter days, we often find ourselves in the den with a fire in the fireplace and a dish of comfort food nearby.  Or I find myself getting out in the snow and driving to the curling club…so I can then go out and throw granite rocks down a sheet of ice.  (I really do love curling!  But sometimes I just want to sit at home and do nothing.  Please tell me you know that feeling?)

This Classic Chicken Pot Pie is best served by a roaring fire on a cold winter day!One of our favorite winter activities (pre-curling and pre-Robbie) was board games.  We’d clear off the dining room table and play board games for a couple of hours.  Usually a beer or a scotch was involved.  Sometimes the more epic games stretched over multiple days.  Sadly, our board games are collecting dust in the basement right now…but there’s still winter left!  I’m totally planning on playing some board games with Laura at least once this winter.  (On a day when I’m not curling and while a certain little 1-year-old is taking his nap, of course!)

This Classic Chicken Pot Pie is best served by a roaring fire on a cold winter day!What are your favorite board games?  We happen to love Settlers of Catan.  Our friends introduced us to this one several years ago, and it really is one of the best board games ever.  This game is relatively easy to learn, and it involves a serious amount of strategy.  I’ve always loved a good strategy game!

The one problem with Catan is that it requires 3-4 people to play.  Laura is 1, and I make 2.  Unless we can find friends who play Catan, that makes it a little difficult to play this one.  But they did make a 2-person version called Rivals for Catan.  We love that game!  If you are looking to pass some time on these cold winter days, check that one out.

This Classic Chicken Pot Pie is best served by a roaring fire on a cold winter day!Another one of our favorites is Ticket To Ride.  Like Catan, this game has also won a number of “Game of the Year” awards, and for good reason.  It’s really easy to learn, and the best part is it can be played with 2-5 players.  Laura is 1, and I make 2.  Perfect!  Plus, it involves trains.  And I’ve always been fascinated with trains.

And what’s really fun about this one is there are a number of expansion boards.  (Catan has a lot of expansions, too.)  Get tired of trying to figure out how to build a route from Charleston to San Francisco?  Grab the Nordic countries or United Kingdom expansion board instead.  More trains = more good!

This Classic Chicken Pot Pie is best served by a roaring fire on a cold winter day!But playing board games by the fire requires comfort food.  And that’s where this Classic Chicken Pot Pie comes in.  Aside from chopping the veggies, this recipe really is quite easy to make.  And it feels like a hug in a bowl when you serve this one up on a cold winter day!  We often just grab a rotisserie chicken from the store and use that instead of cooking chicken for this Classic Chicken Pot Pie.  It makes life easier for everyone, and it’s delicious.  Win-win!

Do you have any favorite board games?

What about comfort food?  What’s your favorite comfort food on a cold winter day?

This Classic Chicken Pot Pie is best served by a roaring fire on a cold winter day!

Classic Chicken Pot Pie

This Classic Chicken Pot Pie is best served by a roaring fire on a cold winter day!
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Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 5 minutes
Servings: 6 servings
Calories: 360kcal



  • Fill a medium saucepan ~half full with water. Place over high heat and bring to a boil. Add the carrots, peas, celery, and corn; cook for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and drain. Transfer vegetables into a large bowl; add cooked chicken and stir until well combined. Set aside.
  • Meanwhile, add the butter to the saucepan. Melt over medium heat the butter. Add onions and garlic; sauté, stirring occasionally, until onions begin to turn translucent (about 6-8 minutes).
  • Add flour, salt, pepper, chicken broth and milk; stir until well combined. Cook over medium heat, stirring often, until mixture begins to boil. Add vegetables and stir until well combined; remove from heat.
  • Preheat oven to 425°F.
  • Pour chicken mixture into casserole dish. (I used an 8”x13” dish, but feel free to use whatever similar size casserole dish you have handy!)
  • Roll pie crust out so that it is 1” larger than casserole dish on all sides. Place dough on top of chicken mixture. Turn extra dough along edges under itself; flute edges by pinching dough together in regular intervals.
  • Using a small dish, lightly beat egg with 1 Tbsp of water. Brush top of dough with this egg wash and then sprinkle with Italian seasonings.
  • Bake at 425°F for 32-35 minutes, or until top is golden brown.


If you don’t feel like cooking the chicken in advance, use a rotisserie chicken!

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  1. YESSSS…sometimes I definitely need a hug in a bowl!!! And a bowl of this would definitely fit the bill – loving that leftover rotisserie could work in this – as Lil Shashi is now a vegetarian there’s always rotisserie leftover in our house! Speaking of our house, we are huge fans of just staying home AND board games! It’s been a quick minute since we sat down and played one – though we haven’t played anything quite as exciting as Settlers of Catan or Ticket To Ride (that latter one is one I know Lil S would so enjoy)! Our go-to board game is Scrabble and we have been known to make a game last for days – we have two scrabble boards and sometimes use the tiles from the second board too – just to keep one game going!
    Happy Monday to y’all – hope y’all are staying warm – P.S. it was 72 degrees here yesteday 😉

    1. Yes, rotisserie chicken can totally work in this one, Shashi! In fact, I bet you could make a pot pie that is vegetarian for Lil Shashi and one with chicken for you! 🙂 You should totally check out Ticket to Ride…in fact, we’ll just play it when Lil S moves up here for college. Hahaha! Seriously, though, that’s a really fun game. Lots of strategy, but not quite as intense as Settlers. Oh, and warm? Pssh. I spent an hour yesterday clearing the 9″ of snow from my driveway! I’ll have to just live through you and pretend it’s warm up here! (Although it is supposed to get into mid-40’s next week. That’s warm for February!)

  2. Hug in a bowl! Love it! And I completely know what you mean about sometimes wanting to stay home and do nothing….I feel ya! This is so true in the cold winter months! We were in a little spurt of playing board games a few months ago and it was so much fun. Like you with your scotch, there may have been wine involved 😉 I’ve never heard of Ticket to Ride….I’ll have to check that out for sure. I love pot pie. It’s such a classic comfort food dish and I could eat every day. Warm ya right up! The only thing better than this is if I had two servings 😉 Happy Monday!

    1. Oh, you absolutely need to check out Ticket to Ride! It’s won all sorts of international awards…and for good reason. I promise you’ll get addicted to that one! Perhaps a game night with chicken pot pie soon? 🙂 Thanks, Dawn…oh, and happy Valentine’s Day, my friend!

    1. I totally agree with you, Kathy! It was a pretty snowy, slushy day here yesterday…perfect weather for chicken pot pie! 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day, my friend!

  3. My sister and I were just talking about how good a homemade chicken pot pie would be since it’s been pretty cold these past few weeks! This one sounds perfect and approachable – can you believe I’ve never made one from scratch? This needs to change ASAP!

    Also, we love Settlers of Catan too. My guy and his friends have also been hooked on a weekly Dungeons and Dragons get-together, but I can’t bring myself to get down with that one. I usually wind up baking or cooking something while they’re over instead. Maybe next week will be a pot pie week!!

    1. Hey there, Jessica! You absolutely need to make a chicken pot pie from scratch. They are surprisingly easy to make…and so perfect for these cold, winter days. I mean how can you top a warm bowl of chicken pot pie on a cold night?? 🙂

      So I never got into Dungeons and Dragons, and I suspect that’s purely because I never had any friends who played it. From the little bit I know about D&D, I think I would love it! But Catan nights are just as much fun! And, yes, I 100% support making chicken pot pie while they’re busy playing D&D! Thanks so much, my friend!

  4. Catan is one of my favorite board games too, David! My nephew introduced this game to me around 10 years ago, and indeed we used to play together (Of course, more players – more fun. Well, and less available places to build your cities). But I’m sure in a couple of years you’ll pull some of your games to play with Robbie. In a meanwhile, I can visit your to be the 3rd player (Of course if you promise to make this delicious chicken pot pie for me and…lavender cookies. Is it too much to ask?)

    1. Yes! I didn’t realize you were a Catan freak, too, Ben! To be fair, I’m not sure I can call myself a freak since we don’t get to play it all that often…the whole 3+ people thing is hard. At least until we teach Robbie to play. Mwahaha! Yes, come on down and play some Catan with us. I can’t promise there will be any pot pie left, but I can promise there will be something tasty in it’s place! And it may or may not involve lavender, Bailey’s, Irish cream and red velvet. 🙂

  5. Hi David, pot pie is one of my favorites, no matter what the weather, and this chicken one looks exceptionally good, will have to try Rivals of Catan, sounds like fun.

    1. I totally agree with you, Cheri…pot pie is a classic! It’s also the perfect dinner for a night spent playing board games. If you like Settlers of Catan, then you’ll appreciate Rivals for Catan. It’s similar, but different, too…but most importantly, it can be played with 2 people! Thanks so much, my friend! Oh, and happy Valentine’s Day today. 🙂

  6. I am jealous for two things. First because you’re still enjoying your winter and snow and second…this chicken pot pie. We love games! And it’s one of the things we play when we hang out together. This chicken pot pie will be a hit and make an excuse to play more board games 🙂

    1. Well…”enjoying” winter might be a bit of a stretch, Linda! Hah! I mean, sure, it looks like fun (wait til you see tomorrow’s post!) but then there is the whole shoveling and snowblowing side of things. I think we have at least 12″+ outside in the yard right now. Urgh! But games make everything better…games and comfort food! 🙂 Thanks so much, my friend…and happy Valentine’s Day!

    1. Yes! I am all about pampering ourselves once in a while! And sitting around with a comforting bowl of chicken pot pie on a cold winter day is pretty much the best way to pamper yourself. 🙂 Thanks so much, Sharmila!!

  7. Hello, Chicken Pot Pie. I love you. This is the one recipe I’ve been dying to try. I have visions of my kids around the dinner table forks and knives in hand overly excited for Mom’s famous chicken pot pie. Granted I have no kids and I’ve never made a pot pie, but I just know it will be my signature dish in the future. My last boyfriend hated playing board games, really any game with me. I knew it wasn’t going to work. Hopefully my next victim will be up to playing. I’ve never heard of Settlers of Catan I’m going to look for it at Target.

    1. “Well, hello there, Mary. I love you, too!” ~Sincerely, Chicken Pot Pie.

      I love that vision! I have full confidence that this will soon become your signature dish, too. It’s a classic..and it’s perfect for cold winter days! Oh, and be careful with Settlers. It’s an addicting, addicting game. You just need to make sure you have several friends who know how to play it, too! And if you need friends to play Settlers, then may I suggest making a big batch of chicken pot pie? Friends will come running! 🙂

  8. I’m coming over to play Rivals for Catan 😀 We can teach Robbie to be the 4th person! Man, I’m craving a good Monopoly game right now, and can already envision the fights over who gets to be the boot (the best piece) and who will buy the first 2 purple buildings and the darn Mayfair.

    Okay, a slight tangent. This DOES look like a hug in a…. pot? We have these things here called ‘hug mugs’ which keeps your hot chocolate warm (from Max Brenner). I can say it is the most uncomfortable hug lol.

    1. Hahaha…I somehow suspect that Robbie won’t be the best gaming partner. At least not yet. One day, though, he’ll probably kick our butts! Also, I totally agree that the boot is the best piece! I’ll let you have the boot if you give me $500. (Not Monopoly money. Zing!)

      Hug mugs? Not sure I’ve heard about these things. I just googled them. Seems kinda strange to me. I’ll take my hot chocolate in a normal mug…along with a big bowl of chicken pot pie! No need for awkward hugs here, Max!

  9. I’ve been totally craving chicken pot pie lately, and this looks like it would satisfy the craving so perfectly! It’s a nice 76 degrees here in San Diego but I’m pretending like we have winter weather so I can devour all the warming winter deliciousness like this!

    1. Oh man, you’re killing me, Rachel! 74 degrees!? That’s like heading into summer weather. You know what? You could crank down the AC in your house and sit on a bag of ice cubes. Then just make a big dish of this chicken pot pie, and you’ll be all set! 🙂 Thanks!!

  10. David! Lovo chicken pot pie, and homemade is the best, Patrick and I love board games!! Catan is one of our favorites along with Merchants and Marauders, love it as well!! we have sooo much in common!

    1. Hmmm…Merchants and Marauders, eh? I’m not familiar with that one…yet! I totally just went into my Amazon account and put it on my wishlist though. Thanks so much for the recommendation there, Gaila! And thanks for the kind words about chicken pot pie…nothing beats a good night of comfort food and games! 🙂

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