Coconut Rice and Madras Lentils Burritos

These Coconut Rice and Madras Lentils Burritos are easy to make and packed with flavor!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Tasty Bite. All opinions are 100% mine.

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These Coconut Rice and Madras Lentils Burritos are easy to make and packed with flavor!When do you guys like to do your grocery shopping?  When I first started writing Spiced, I was also working part-time as a Latin teacher.  So my daily routine would involve teaching in the morning, a stop by the grocery store on the way home and then making a recipe in between grading papers in the afternoon.  Laura pointed out the inefficiency of stopping by the store 3-4 times a week, but I just couldn’t get a handle on everything in order to do it in advance.  Fast forward a few years and now I do all of my shopping on Monday mornings.  Well, I used to.

These Coconut Rice and Madras Lentils Burritos are easy to make and packed with flavor!Now I do all of my grocery shopping on Sunday mornings…with a certain little toddler in tow!  Robbie has reached a very, uh, shall we say ‘active’ age, and Laura and I often look for outings on the weekends to help entertain him.  What?  We’re down to three boxes of cereal?  Let’s go to the store!  Honestly, the outings have helped our sanity since the days can be very long when you just sit at home and chase a toddler around all day.  Plus, grocery stores are very, very empty on Sunday mornings at 9am.

These Coconut Rice and Madras Lentils Burritos are easy to make and packed with flavor!This past week, we headed off to pick up the ingredients to make these Coconut Rice and Madras Lentils Burritos.  Robbie has been practicing his walking lately, and he’s getting pretty darned good at it.  So we let him walk along and lead the way while we followed behind with the cart.  Sure, we might have turned down a few aisles we didn’t need to, but it was fun to see the little guy lead us around the store.  Plus, he had a huge smile on his face the whole time!  (That, and he was telling everyone that we passed “hi.”  It was pretty hilarious.)

On the way down one of the aisles, I grabbed a couple pouches of Tasty Bite’s Madras Lentils.  Have you guys ever had these before?  They’re so good!  Tasty Bite makes a huge variety of Thai, Indian and Asian products, and we appreciate that they’re made with clean ingredients.  Their products are all GMO-free with no artificial ingredients.  And they taste great, so that’s a total win-win in our book!  Check out the Tasty Bite website for a full list of products…and some more fun recipes, too!

These Coconut Rice and Madras Lentils Burritos are easy to make and packed with flavor!We decided to take those Madras Lentils and turn ’em into Coconut Rice and Madras Lentils Burritos.  Mmmm…burritos!  Tasty Bite’s Madras Lentils are microwaveable and ready in just 1 minute.  That means these Coconut Rice and Madras Lentils Burritos are a cinch to make.  And for a fun little twist, we made some coconut cilantro rice to serve as the base of these burritos.  (Just mix a couple tablespoons of shredded coconut and chopped cilantro in with the cooked rice.  Easy!)  The Madras Lentils are seriously packed with flavor, so they are perfect for incorporating into burritos.  We also happened to have some extra rotisserie chicken in the fridge, so we added that in as well.

These Coconut Rice and Madras Lentils Burritos are easy to make and packed with flavor!Next time you’re in the grocery store, swing by the international aisle and look for the yellow Tasty Bite pouches.  We’ve tried several of their products, and we’ve been pleased with all of them!  Oh, and if you happen to be doing your shopping at 9am on a Sunday morning, then keep an eye out for a toddler leading the way and yelling “hi” to everyone he passes!  Have a great week, my friends!

These Coconut Rice and Madras Lentils Burritos are easy to make and packed with flavor!

Coconut Rice and Madras Lentils Burritos

These Coconut Rice and Madras Lentils Burritos are easy to make and packed with flavor!
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Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 40 minutes
Servings: 4 servings
Calories: 707kcal


  • 1 cup uncooked basmati rice
  • cups water
  • ¼ cup shredded coconut
  • ¼ cup + 2 Tbsp fresh cilantro chopped and divided
  • 2 10-oz. pouches Tasty Bite Madras Lentils
  • cups shredded rotisserie chicken
  • 1 large tomato diced
  • 1 cup romaine lettuce shredded
  • 4 large burrito-sized flour tortillas


  • Using a large bowl, rinse and drain rice. Using a medium saucepan, bring water to a boil. Add rice and return to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and cook for 15 minutes.
  • Remove rice from heat and let sit for 5 minutes; fluff rice gently with a fork. In a medium bowl, combine rice with coconut and ¼ cup of cilantro; toss until well combined. Set rice aside.
  • Prepare Madras Lentils according to pouch instructions. Using a colander placed over a mixing bowl, drain some of the excess liquid from the lentils. Add the chicken and remaining 2 Tbsp of chopped cilantro to the bowl with the excess liquid; toss until well coated.
  • Heat tortillas according to package instructions. Divide rice evenly onto the center of each tortilla. (Tip: Leave 1½” border on all sides of tortilla.) Top rice with lentils, shredded chicken, tomatoes and lettuce.
  • Fold the bottom edge of each tortilla over the filling, tuck in the sides and then roll tightly. Cut burritos in half before serving.

These Coconut Rice and Madras Lentils Burritos are easy to make and packed with flavor!

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  1. Oh My – Robbie must have thrilled quite a few folks with his antics! Though taking him only on Sunday mornings means the rest of those shoppers are missing out on his antics! 🙂
    David, Lil Shashi and I love having pouches of Tasty Bite’s lentils and potatoes on hand – I usually get ’em from Costco – I didn’t know they were available elsewhere. Btw – love what you did with them by putting them into burritos! I’m so boring with them – we just enjoy them with some naan on some hectic nights – next time I need to try these, though!
    Hope your week is wonderful, friend!

    1. Hah! Yes, that is true, Shashi. Only the early morning grocery shoppers on Sundays get to experience Robbie! You know what they say…the early bird gets the worm, right? 🙂

      And there you go again…reminding me that we don’t have a Costco here. Thanks a lot, Shashi. *grrr* Hey, Tasty Bite lentils + naan sounds like a super easy and super delicious meal. But I gotta say the burrito isn’t difficult to make, and it’s loaded with flavor! Thanks so much, my friend!

  2. You taught Latin? Wow!!! Grocery shopping for me is whenever we can squeeze it in! My daughter just started driving and now I can tell her to stop at the store and pick up a gallon of milk! Burritos are one of our favorite meals and this looks so good! Love all the fillings!

    1. I did indeed teach Latin, Kathy! I loved teaching, too. I taught for several years, and I taught everything from 3rd grade-12 grade. But to be honest, high schoolers were my favorite since we could really dig into the language a bit! Sadly, the demand for high school Latin teachers isn’t too great…which is what led me to starting Spiced. 🙂

      How handy is that with your daughter driving? She can help with the errands! (Although I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for Robbie to be driving…) Thanks so much for the kind comment, my friend!

  3. Wow! Latin! I seem to remember you saying that before – pretty cool! Grocery shopping? Hmmmm, I love it! I typically go during a weeknight, but have been known to randomly pop into them another couple of times throughout the week. I love going there and even love putting the groceries away (which some people don’t). Burritos are so good and love the lentil touch (another personal fave). I can just picture Robbie walking now saying hi to everyone. I bet it made people’s day to see that cuteness! Have a great week, David 🙂

    1. Yeah, Latin really is cool! I know that probably makes me sound like a nerd, but man I love Roman history and culture and stuff. And I really loved teaching, but Latin teachers aren’t high in demand. Imagine that! So I hear ya about putting groceries away. It feels like a chore when I get home, but I also love getting the pantry/fridge reset for the week! Thanks so much, Dawn! Hope your week is off to a great start up there in Canada. 🙂

  4. I still go grocery shopping multiple times a week (always early to avoid crowds). But that’s because I’m the most absent-minded grocery shopper ever and forget half the things I need despite having a list right in front of me. (And now I’m adding those lentils to my list because YUM!) Did everyone at the store love saying hi to Robbie? That would certainly be the highlight of my trip! Friendly children are the best! Happy Monday, David! Have a great week!

    1. Oh I totally get the absent-minded grocery shopper thing. I try to use lists to plan for the week, but inevitably there is always something else that pops up. So I usually take Robbie with me and hit the store at least once in the late afternoon after I pick him up. One time he got lucky and got a cookie from the bakery lady! 🙂 Definitely put these lentils on your list because yum! Thanks so much, Kelsie!

  5. David! Latin?? oh my! I can’t picture you as Teacher David! my grocery shopping is usually made on Wednesdays, and if we run out of something or decide to make a special recipe like for instance yesterday unexpectedly we decided to make couscous, cause it was raining cats and dogs and the climate called for something hearty and hot. But it is me that made most of the trips to the markets. I love rice and lentils but you had a super fun idea to put those in a burrito, loved the idea!

    1. Oh my gosh, I loved teaching Latin Gaila! Loved it! And I like to think I was a fun, but serious teacher. I guess you’ll have to ask my students, though. Sadly, the demand for Latin teachers isn’t what it used to be…which led me in a roundabout way to starting Spiced. 🙂 Rice + lentils in burrito form is super yummy. Definitely put it on your list of fun recipes to try out. Thanks so much, my friend…you are awesome!

  6. That’s good Robbie is learning to walk. You’ll need just a little time until he learns how to read. Then, you would be able to quite relax giving him a grocery list and just supervising him when necessary (You will also need to handle a grocery cart until he reaches the certain age). These burritos look fantastic, David! I normally don’t grab them cause they’re a little too heavy too me (thanks to a compound stuffing), but I will probably not resist having onev of these guys!

    1. Oh man, that sounds amazing, Ben! I can just give Robbie the grocery list and send him off on his way. 🙂 As long as he gets all of the ingredients to make these burritos again, I’ll be a happy camper! haha! So try mixing some lentils into the burrito next time (and not packing it as full of rice like they do in restaurants). The flavors of this one are delicious, and these made for fun lunches for us last week! Hope your week is going well so far, my friend!

  7. Your grocery adventures with little Robbie sound fun and adorable! I bet he took a pretty good nap after all that walking! I love the idea of coconut rice in a burrito. I have had those lentils and I’m sure they were a great addition to the rice and burrito! Happy toddler chasing, my friend!

    1. Oh you have no idea, Rachelle! All that leading us around the store wipes the little guy out. Of course, his naps are also getting shorter these days…but I guess that’s what happens as they grow up! These lentils made for an excellent addition to the burritos…and definitely try out the coconut rice. It’s a simple little trick that adds a ton of flavor! Hope you’re doing well, Rachelle. 🙂

  8. I never make burritos at home, I’m not 100% sure why but it’s never ever happened in my house. Lentils are one of my favorite sources of protein, they are tasty and versatile. You used to teach Latin David? I learn something new about you every time I visit Spiced Blog 🙂 I like to do my shopping during the week around 2pm when everyone is at work. Is Robbie doing the drunk man walk? I bet he’s determined to get it right. 🙂 These burritos looks scrumptious. Have a great week David

    1. So I hear ya, Mary! We rarely make burritos at home, either, but Laura had this excellent idea that we should try making some for lunch last week…and it turned out quite well. The lentils in there add a ton of flavor, and you could just leave the chicken out of your version! So, yes, I used to teach Latin. Crazy, right? I loved teaching, but the demand for Latin teachers isn’t quite what it used to be…which led me in a roundabout way to starting Spiced. It all worked out! Oh, and Robbie’s walk is definitely a drunk man walk! It’s quite hilarious…although it has me scared he’s going to fall and bonk his head when he sets off across the room. Thanks, Mary! I hope your week is off to a great start so far!

  9. Before you know it Robbie will be running down the isles, he growing up fast. I am sure that he had a great time walking down the isles at the store. These burritos look so yummy. I don’t think I have noticed these Tasty Bite Madras Lentils in the store. I will have to look for them the next time I go grocery shopping.

    1. Oh my gosh, you are totally right! He’s doing the wobble walk down the aisles of the grocery store right now, but soon enough he’ll be running along. 🙂 So many things to look at there! Totally keep an eye out for the Tasty Bite lentils, Dawn…they are absolutely delicious! And do try turning ’em into burritos. You can’t go wrong with a good burrito, right? Thanks so much, my friend!

  10. You ask when we like to do our grocery shopping? How about never! I don´t like grocery shopping at all, especially here in Spain where I can never find things that I like.. There´s that – got it off my chest.. Haha! These madras lentil burritos look amazing AND your photography is out of this world!!

    1. Oh gosh! I can only imagine how frustrating that must be. I actually love stopping into grocery stores whenever we travel as it’s fun to see all of the different products compared to what we have here in the States. But I can totally understand the trouble, too! Thank you so much for the kind words, my friend! 🙂

    1. What a coincidence! We totally must have been channeling the same delicious rice vibe, Manali. Haha! Try using that rice in a burrito with lentils…it’s super yummy! 🙂

  11. Sunday mornings are considered a quiet time to do grocery shopping? I’m jealous! Here, Sunday’s are peak!

    I have tried tasty bite packaged legumes before- Not the Madras lentils one though! This looks so good and I love how you burrito’d it up!

    1. Say what!?! So when is the prime shopping time there down-under? Saturday mornings? Friday nights? I went in to the grocery store one time on Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving) and I was legit the only person in the store! Haha! Give these Tasty Bite lentils a shot, my friend. They’re delicious! 🙂

    1. I’m a big burrito fan, too, Nicole…the bigger the better! Haha! Just kidding. I’m actually jealous as I bet you can get amazing Mexican food out in your area. But I gotta say this twist using Indian flavors was super delicious! I’m thinking about making another batch this week actually. Hope you guys had an awesome weekend! 🙂

  12. awww, I love your Sunday morning grocery shopping ritual with Robbie in the lead. 🙂 I bet he’ll love to cook as much as his dad, remembering grocery shopping as a fun experience, not a stressful one.

    So intrigued by these burritos. Love the coconut – really sounds amazing.

    1. Our Sunday mornings are so much fun now! Who would’ve thought grocery shopping early on a Sunday morning would be so enjoyable?? 🙂 Robbie does love to “cook” in his pots and pans, and I can’t wait for the day when I can teach him the real deal. Oh, and these burritos are indeed awesome! The little bit of coconut in the rice + the lentils really pack in the flavor. Thanks so much, Marissa!

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