Grilled Chicken Fajita Kabobs

These Grilled Chicken Fajita Kabobs are a delicious way to enjoy dinner on the grill.  Serve them alone or with tortillas and a spoonful of salsa…either way will be delicious!

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These Grilled Chicken Fajita Kabobs are a delicious way to enjoy dinner on the grill!  Serve them alone or with tortillas and a spoonful of salsa...either way will be delicious!How do you spend summer weekends?  Do you travel a bunch?  Do you get out and wander around town?  Do you spend the weekend outside doing yardwork?  We do a little bit of everything here…yes, even yardwork.  (We can’t have Ethel–our 9-pound chihuahua mutt–getting lost in foot-tall grass now, can we?)  Prior to the stork dropping Robbie on our doorstep, Laura and I typically enjoyed quiet weekends at home during the summer.  Sure, we’d occasionally take weekend roadtrips to get bagels in Montreal, visit breweries in Vermont or go whale watching off the Massachusetts coast.  But for the most part our weekends were quiet and laid back.  Not anymore.

These Grilled Chicken Fajita Kabobs are a delicious way to enjoy dinner on the grill!  Serve them alone or with tortillas and a spoonful of salsa...either way will be delicious!Now every weekend we peruse the local events calendar to find activities for Robbie.  Spending the entire weekend at home gets a little monotonous when there’s a rambunctious toddler around, so we try to get out at least once a weekend in the summer to some sort of festival or event.  Case in point: our trip to the Scottish Games last summer.  Every year, the capital region here in New York hosts an annual Scottish Games on Labor Day weekend.  The weather was awesome last year, so we decided to go down and check it out…and I’m glad we did!

Laura and I took a trip to Scotland a few years ago, and we loved it!  The entire country was amazing, and the trip was capped off with several days in Edinburgh during their festival season.  Amazing!  In fact, we have plans to go back there with my mother and sister next summer.  We have Scottish ancestors (Clan Macpherson) on my mother’s side, so that adds another level of excitement to visiting Scotland.  Maybe this time we’ll actually find the Clan Macpherson museum…last time Laura and I ended up in the middle of a field.

These Grilled Chicken Fajita Kabobs are a delicious way to enjoy dinner on the grill!  Serve them alone or with tortillas and a spoonful of salsa...either way will be delicious!But back to the Scottish Games and our weekend adventures with Robbie.  We spent the day watching pipe bands, Highland dance competitions and even a bit of the caber toss.  Laura and I both curl in the winter (curling originated in Scotland), but the caber toss is one Scottish sport that I just don’t understand.  A caber is a large tree trunk (typically measuring 19’6″ and weighing 175 pounds), and the goal is to “toss” the caber end-over-end away from you and have it land at the 12 o’clock position.  Now some folks might think curling is crazy…but caber tossing?  That’s legit nuts.  And I totally plan on going back this year to watch it again!

These Grilled Chicken Fajita Kabobs are a delicious way to enjoy dinner on the grill!  Serve them alone or with tortillas and a spoonful of salsa...either way will be delicious!Aside from our weekend adventures around town, we usually end up pulling out the grill on the weekends for some tasty food, too.  (Who am I kidding?  We pull out the grill almost every night during the summer.)  Recently we whisked up these Grilled Chicken Fajita Kabobs, and they were a huge hit!  The key to delicious grilled chicken is a good marinade, and this fajita marinade is a winner.  It’s probably our favorite marinade, and I should be a little bit ashamed at how many different variations of this recipe I’ve posted over the years.  But I’m not ashamed.  It’s one heck of a good marinade!  (It was originally posted as part of these Copycat Chili’s Chicken Fajitas.)

These Grilled Chicken Fajita Kabobs are a delicious way to enjoy dinner on the grill!  Serve them alone or with tortillas and a spoonful of salsa...either way will be delicious!Another bonus?  These Grilled Chicken Fajita Kabobs are easy!  The chicken marinates for several hours, or overnight if you think far enough ahead.  Then all you have to do is just skewer up the chicken, peppers and onions, and you’ve got a delicious meal for the grill.  We love tortillas, so we served these Grilled Chicken Fajita Kabobs up with flour tortillas and salsa…but truthfully, you could skip the tortillas and just go with the meat and veggies.  I promise it’ll be delicious both ways!  Oh, and a quick squeeze of lime juice on top of these kabobs right before serving will take the flavor to a whole new level.  Enjoy!

These Grilled Chicken Fajita Kabobs are a delicious way to enjoy dinner on the grill!  Serve them alone or with tortillas and a spoonful of salsa...either way will be delicious!

Grilled Chicken Fajita Kabobs

These Grilled Chicken Fajita Kabobs are a delicious way to enjoy dinner on the grill.  Serve them alone or with tortillas and a spoonful of salsa…either way will be delicious!
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Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Marinating Time: 6 hours
Total Time: 6 hours 30 minutes
Servings: 4 servings
Calories: 297kcal


For the Chicken

For the Kabobs


  • Using a small bowl, add all of the marinade ingredients except for chicken; whisk together until fully combined. Place the chopped chicken in a glass baking dish, add marinade, cover and refrigerate for 4-6 hours or overnight. Note: If using wooden kabobs, make sure to soak them in water for at least 30 minutes first.
  • Preheat grill to medium-high heat.
  • Remove chicken from marinade and discard excess marinade. Thread chicken, onions and red and green peppers onto skewers, alternating between the chicken and vegetables.
  • Place kabobs onto grill and close lid. Grill for 12-14 minutes, flipping once, or until chicken is fully cooked.
  • Remove kabobs from grill and sprinkle with fresh cilantro and a squeeze of lime.
  • Serve warm with tortillas, salsa, sour cream and/or guacamole.

These Grilled Chicken Fajita Kabobs are a delicious way to enjoy dinner on the grill!  Serve them alone or with tortillas and a spoonful of salsa...either way will be delicious!

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  1. My summer weekends used to be filled with making jam and pickling whatever produce I found at the farm stand. Now they’re spent inside doing anything but venturing outdoors; it was 83 at 5:30 this morning. These kabobs look perfect for a Fourth of July party, which I’m trying to plan. I think if I grill the chicken extra early in the morning I should be able to finish before my face melts off :).

    1. Wait. 83° at 5:30am? What the heck, Kelsie? I think the high here is supposed to be 83°…haha! Sure you don’t want to move back to the northeast?? Heck, with those temps out there, you won’t even need a grill for your 4th of July shindig. You’ll just need a clean section of sidewalk. 🙂 Stay cool, my friend!

  2. I second Kelsie, lol. Blog work inside, lol every weekend! It’s a running joke now. But, seriously, I do relax too! And we definitely always love to grill, any time of year. These kabobs look delicious, David! Good balance of chicken + veggies. Perfect for Father’s day too! Have a wonderful weekend with the fam jam 🙂

    1. Ok, good…as long as relaxing still plays a major part in your weekend plans, then I’m ok with it! I hear ya about summer, though. There are just so many fun activities going on that it’s hard to get all of the blog work done! And you’re totally right that these kabobs would be delicious for Father’s Day…maybe I’ll ask Robbie to make me a batch. 😉

  3. I am totally foreseeing caber tossing in your future! I can tell you are intrigued by this “sport”. I love sports that have been around forever and developed out of real skills. I also love these kabobs. There’s nothing better than grilled foods in the summertime.

    1. Haha…I am indeed intrigued by caber tossing, but I’m not so sure I have much of a future in it. I mean that’s a really heavy tree. And I have to pick it up. And throw it. But it’s one heck of a fun sport to watch! Thanks so much, Kathy!

  4. Hi David!
    Long time no see, I really missed Spiced Blog, I’ve been crazy busy but I’m going to make time to visit your delicious space on the web. I sell my art on weekends and when I’m not selling my art I’m traveling. I don’t think I’ve ever met Ethel 🙂 I’ve never hear of the Scottish Games, I’m going to check them out.

    1. Yes! So glad to see you bounce back over Mary. I’ve been traveling a bunch lately, but I’ve been wondering how your sales have been going. I hope they’re doing well! You should also see if there are any Scottish games in your area. They’re a lot of fun! Seriously! Think weekend festival with lots of bagpiping and dancing…and of course some caber tossing. 🙂

  5. When we don’t travel we tend to work in the garden, catch up on chores & cook – food is always a big part of our lives no matter where we are 🙂 I might spend the rest of the day dreaming about your Grilled Chicken Fajita Kabobs and that delicious sounding marinade. Have a nice weekend, my friend!

    1. Yes! Food is always a big part of our lives, too, Miriam. Whether we’re home and whipping up something fun or on vacation and trying new things, food is always right up there near the top of the list. And these kabobs? They’re tried and true…and delicious! 🙂 Hope you have a great weekend ahead, my friend. And don’t do too many chores, ok?

  6. My summer weekends are spent trying to arrange some sort of semblance of order in the back garden after winter. And lots of lovely summer cooking! Ah, so you’re related to Clan Macpherson eh? I’m Cameron Clan on my mothers side. That’s why I love the area of Fort William and Lochaber so much because that’s where my ancestors are from. Your Scottish games sounds like the real thing. Yep, tossing the caber. What’s that all about? Lol. Maybe it’s just to impress the ladies with how strong you are? It’s not something I’ve ever done. Curling, yes, when I had the time but chucking a log in in the air, nah! Love these grilled chicken fajita kabobs David. Putting this in my Pinterest list for a good grill up! Maybe even with some of my home made coleslaw. Have a great weekend!

    1. I hear ya about summer weekends, Neil. Lots of chores, but I don’t mind too much since we get to be outside. Yup, I’m a Macpherson from my mother’s side of the family. The Macpherson lands are just north of the Campbells (I had to Google that to confirm…haha), so I wonder if our ancestors ever interacted? I hope they liked one another! 🙂 And I’ve gotta say that the Scottish Games here in our area are totally legit. I swear I had photos somewhere, but I spent like an hour looking for them for this post…and nothing. Who knows where they ended up? I’ll have to grab some more at this summer’s Games!

      Oh, and I like where you’re going with these kabobs + homemade coleslaw. That sounds like my kind of summer meal! Hope you and Lynne have a great weekend ahead, my friend!

  7. David, between you and Laura, y’all have Europe covered – ancestrally that is! I cannot wait for your trip next year to Scotland – because then I get to visit it too, – vicariously through your recap posts!
    My weekends BC (before condo-life) were packed with yard work, hiking and hanging with friends – now, AC (after condo-life) my weekends are filled with hiking and driving 45 minutes to hang with those friends. And, speaking of which, dude – guess what opened up in my old neck of the woods – a liquid nitrogen ice cream shop! Have y’all tried ice cream made with liquid nitro? Oooh so good!
    But…I digress…back to these kabobs, I think I have ALL the ingredients for that marinade – even the liquid smoke, so I’m gonna have to whip these bad boys up soon -they not only sound absolutely delicious, but am thinking if I made a huge batch, I’d have this deliciousness to enjoy ALL week!

    1. Hah! I guess you’re right…we do indeed have Europe covered. Maybe that’s why we like to visit Europe on vacation! 🙂 I am totally cracking up at your ‘BC’ term…and I love it. Home ownership is nice, but it comes with a lot of headaches–just this past weekend, I found out the mold in the attic has returned, I discovered bats living in the siding, I nicked the sprinkler hose in 2 places while tilling up weeds and I discovered that our driveway is collapsing. Talk about a rough weekend. Umph. But we’ll tackle each project one-by-one and get through…although I’d much rather be cooking up something in the kitchen or hanging out going on hikes! Also, I haven’t had liquid nitrogen ice cream yet…although didn’t Richard Blaze use liquid nitro to make his milkshakes? I might be dreaming that up!

  8. David, there’s another idea how to spend the weekend. July is the time when lavender is blossoming so you might consider visiting a field. Getting to know your enemy is a good strategy 🙂 You can even try grilling the lavender. I am not saying you’d like the results, but you’ll have some fun for sure!

    1. You know, I actually just stumbled across a link to a lavender farm here in New York state. Granted, it’s a few hours from here, but it’s supposed to be one of the biggest in the US, and it’s open for tours. I kinda want to go! Or maybe I can ditch the grass planting project and just put down lavender seeds instead! 🙂

    1. Yes! I do love fajitas (a lot!), but I also love being outside by the grill in the summer…so this recipe lets me combine both into one! 🙂 Thanks so much, Marissa!

    1. Yes! Anytime I can put kabobs on the grill, I know it’s going to be a good night. I mean I love being outside by the grill to begin with, and then kabobs are just so much fun. 🙂 Thanks so much, Dawn!

    1. Yes! I love kabobs, too, Karly. They look so fancy, but they’re really just an easy way to put dinner on the grill. Thanks so much, my friend!

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