Rosemary and Garlic Grilled Red Potatoes

These Rosemary and Garlic Grilled Red Potatoes are a year-round favorite side dish!

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Perfectly golden and lightly crispy on the outside. Fully cooked on the inside. These Rosemary and Garlic Grilled Red Potatoes are a year-round favorite side dish!Perfectly golden and lightly crispy on the outside.  Fully cooked on the inside.  And seasoned with just the right amount of garlic and herbs.  Cooking potatoes on the grill (or indoors on a grill pan) can be a bit of a challenge, but the result is completely worth the effort!  And here’s the thing: grilling potatoes isn’t that difficult at all…as long as you know a few key tips and tricks.

These Rosemary and Garlic Grilled Red Potatoes are a favorite side dish around our house.  In the summer, we grill these bad boys outside and serve them alongside burgers, hotdogs, chicken, pulled pork…and the list goes in.  In the winter, we grill ’em up on the grill pan indoors and then serve them alongside carnitas tacos, rotisserie chicken, and pulled pork.  (Yup, I always make sure we have a freezer full of hickory smoked pulled pork before we head into the winter.)  These grilled red potatoes are a delicious side dish that goes well with pretty much everything!

Perfectly golden and lightly crispy on the outside. Fully cooked on the inside. These Rosemary and Garlic Grilled Red Potatoes are a year-round favorite side dish!So what are these tips and tricks for grilling up the perfect potato?  Well, for starters, I like to use small, firm potatoes.  The classic russet potato is great for making baked potatoes or mashed potatoes, but russets aren’t the best for grilling.  Grab some small, red potatoes instead.  Plus, they’re just the right size for the skewers!

The second tip is to parboil these potatoes for a few minutes before grilling them.  I know this is an extra step, but it’s really not difficult at all.  You can parboil them earlier in the day so that you aren’t running around like crazy getting dinner together.  I’ve found that this extra little bit of cooking really helps the final texture of the potatoes.  Without it, the potatoes need to stay on the grill or stovetop a lot longer…and this could lead to burnt potatoes.  Burnt potatoes aren’t very tasty.  Trust me.

Rosemary and Garlic Grilled Red Potatoes

Perfectly golden and lightly crispy on the outside. Fully cooked on the inside. These Rosemary and Garlic Grilled Red Potatoes are a year-round favorite side dish!Finally, saute the garlic and rosemary in a small pan and then just brush the mixture on the potatoes once they come out of the grillpan (or off the grill).  Why don’t you just brush the garlic and rosemary mixture right onto the potatoes before grilling them?  Well, I tried that once, and the garlic and herbs end up burning on the grill.  Burnt garlic isn’t very tasty.  Trust me.

So I know this recipe sounds like a lot of steps, but it’s really not that bad.  We make these Garlic and Rosemary Grilled Red Potatoes all the time, and I’ve got the routine down now.  In fact, after you’ve made these grilled potatoes once, the hardest part will be to stop eating them!  And if you want to get creative, play around the seasonings.  I personally like this garlic and rosemary combo, but mix it up with some smoked paprika and cumin or perhaps go with a lemon zest and dried basil combo instead.  Have fun.  Get wild and crazy with those grilled potatoes!

Perfectly golden and lightly crispy on the outside. Fully cooked on the inside. These Rosemary and Garlic Grilled Red Potatoes are a year-round favorite side dish!

Rosemary and Garlic Grilled Red Potatoes

Perfectly golden and lightly crispy on the outside. Fully cooked on the inside. These Rosemary and Garlic Grilled Red Potatoes are a year-round favorite side dish!
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Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 40 minutes
Servings: 6 servings
Calories: 144kcal



  • If using wooden skewers, soak 7-8 skewers in water for about 30 minutes before grilling.
  • Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil. Add potatoes and cook for 4-5 minutes, or until just the outer portion of the potatoes can be pierced with a fork. (Note: The goal is not to cook the potatoes entirely at this stage, but rather to start the cooking process.)
  • Transfer potatoes into large bowl and let cool.
  • Meanwhile, place 2 Tbsp of olive oil, minced garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper in a small skillet. Place over medium heat and cook, stirring occasionally, for 2-3 minutes. Remove pan from heat and set aside.
  • Preheat grill to high heat.
  • Slice each potato in half. (Note: If potatoes are larger in size, then you may need to quarter them.)
  • Skewer potatoes and brush with remaining 1 Tbsp of olive oil.
  • Turn burners on one half of grill off. (Note: If using charcoal, just push lit charcoal to one side of grill.)
  • Brush grill grates with vegetable oil and place skewered potatoes cut-side down over the lit burners. Grill potatoes for 2-3 minutes, flip and grill for 2-3 more minutes.
  • Transfer potatoes to the unlit side of the grill. Close lid and allow potatoes to cook for 5-6 more minutes, or until they can be easily pierced with a fork.
  • Remove potatoes from grill and brush with the garlic and rosemary olive oil mixture.
  • {Optional} Garnish with fresh chives before serving.


Recipe Note: We cook these potatoes indoors in the winter using a grill pan over medium heat.  (And there's no need to worry about turning off one burner...that's only when grilling over an open flame!)

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  1. I love potatoes – but grilled potatoes on a skewer – good gosh – now I can munch on potatoes while I am stuck in traffic! A friend of mine swears that roasted potatoes help her calm down – well, Atlanta traffic DEMANDS these potatoes! Dude – just think you could make a fortune selling these at office parks when people are leaving for the day – or even at football stadiums when a game lets out!!!

    Thanks for the tip to parboil potatoes before grilling them, David!

    1. Hahaha…I totally just got a mental image of you munching away on a skewer of roasted potatoes while sitting on 275. 🙂 You are too much, Shashi!!

    1. Haha! You know what’s funny, Pamela? My mother-in-law gave us a turkey to bring back after the holidays, and we are totally cooking it up this week, too. Who cares if the holidays are over? We’re stilling having turkey over here! And you’re right…these roasted potatoes would go great with turkey!

    1. Ouch…-29° wind chill? It’s almost like you live on the frozen tundra! Oh, and thanks a lot for sending that weather this way. I just went out to the store and almost got buried by the snow blowing 30mph! I think this calls for some more roasted potatoes! 🙂

    1. If only we could invent a scratch-and-taste screen, Dannii! Potatoes are one of my favorite side dishes, too…heck, sometimes we turn them into a meal by themselves. These garlic + rosemary ones are one of our go-to side dish recipes, too.

    1. Ok, you just landed on my list of people I don’t like right now, Kevin. I’m looking at a driveway covered in snow and ice…and you’re talking about grilling. Looks like I need to move to SoCal! 🙂

  2. These potatoes look mouthwatering ! I love red potatoes, but I typically roast them or make homefries with them. Grilling them sounds like another perfect way to eat them!

    1. We often roast them, too, Tamara. But they are delicious grilled! In the summer, we just throw them on the grill next to whatever else is going on…and in the winter, we rely on our grill pan indoors. My grill is covered in snow and ice right now, so I’m sure as heck not going out there! Haha!

  3. Mate, you’ve hit another winner here. I no joke ate a kilo of potatoes a day for 7 days straight (I even wrote about it all lol) so safe to say, I’m a huge fan of spuds. Never thought to cook them over the grill though- Need to try it out.

    1. Thanks, Sean! We’ve already made these potatoes a couple times lately…they’re so easy and delicious! (And they remind me of the warmer days when my grill isn’t covered with snow…)

  4. Rosemary is my favorite herb. No seriously, I play favorites in the herb drawer. Love, love love rosemary garlic potatoes! Next time I’ll have to throw them on my grill pan for a David-style twist! No outdoor grill yet because 1) you know I’m intimidated by the communal gas grill and the men down there & 2) it’s flippin cold out. 🙂 Pinned!

    ps- I like burned potatoes.

    1. Heh…I say you just march down to that communal grill with a sack of potatoes in one hand and a bottle of rosemary in the other. Tell them to shove off…plus, you’ve got Taz to back you up. He’ll eat their fine china if they give you a hard time!

      P.S. You lie about liking burnt potatoes. I’m calling you out. 🙂

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